Monday, January 27, 2025

Hello World Plus - Part 1 Introduction


Hello World is the starting point for a programmer and the next concepts which are close to good practices and advanced topics are about hello world Next Gen. Next gen definitely more about AI and need not be AI only. In this series of articles main aim is to looking at patterns of development whether it is client server or api development or micro services or any other programming paradigm.

Main inspiration for me when I go though the articles which explains how technology is transitioning and moving forward, lot of concepts remain unchanged. The way to implement will change simple example could be partial refresh of web components or way to fetch data from API.

AI can change every thing from retrieving data and interpreting data  to auto complete programming tasks. It is just extending beyond just auto completing to decision making after good amount of training AI programs.

For Demo and explaining purpose I have prepared git hub repo with main repo as Talash a simple portal which can integrate multiple small apps . In this other basic components are TalshBFF which can aggregate different services before client can show on UI. So first step away from our basic client service programming are the following patterns

GraphQL based TalashBFF;  which simplifies data fetching from API with other benefits like agnostic schema based development . I am sure most of the products now moving from just API layer connected to API manager to this pattern as it can simplify API later lot. Lot of patterns and anti patterns details are available in net and which can help to pick up right design pattern for BFF. Still Graph ql being leading technology for this extension of design to the API design.

For some one looking for starting their graphql skills I would recommend GraphQL on Azure: Part 1 - Getting Started . It is possible brink BFF with graphql and it is easy to select suitable programme either it is serverless architecture or Rest based services or other. Pretty simple programs to start this BFF later and can be extended further. In TalashBFF , Aggregation of api from other micro services done using a sample from here where Quiz trivia answers fetching form Rest service.

Talash API and microservices : All apps in the portal are independent microsites. So it is easy to separate API components and most of them are consumed from Graph QL. Looking at why micro services work is more popular when it comes to adopting latest design pattern is it will help to design configure and deploy every service independently .  In this case as we mentioned Talash is bunch of apps based on social media and each app consume data from different API which are developed as independent Web API and deployed on Azure.

Looking at best practices for the micro services development I would always recommend couple of applications given by Microsoft as good models to follow. EshopContainer  (  is the app which has very good samples to developer each service as micro service using azure resources. It has best coding practices examples to best design patterns in consuming data and delivering data though API.

Clean architecture: This is another important design pattern which can basically explain all the extension of the client server program required moving from hello world apps. From the days of multithreading  and adopting repository patterns , this clean architecture concepts explain all  ways design need to be evolved. It explains all layers  design  in application design with best practices like how to design data access layer, How to design api layer and how to consume data in client app.

In Talash portal while retrieving Video data it also fetch meta data from youtube. On fly it can fetch 100 video meta data and quickly filter based on application requirement. Here is simple pattern user want to use advanced programming concepts form async programming to multi tasking and aggregation data. As all of we know all 100 request cannot be sequential  requests and will be parallel  .Achieving parallel computation and aggregating is quite interesting journey in learning . This particular batch processing can be as simple as creating 10 tasks at a time and aggregating data and consuming it in client asynchronously to using spark cluster to process data and get more real time and responsive design. This difference in the two design patterns will be by itself could a book of design patterns.

High Availability design patterns is another big extension for modern programming practices and it could be as simple as achieving 100 % availability of services using load balancer  to delivering services to 1Million users which involves designing cluster for service and coming up with failover mechanism to blue green deployments to reduce down time to zero.


Hello world series mainly giving sample pseudo code to learn above patterns with samples and reference to resources in internet . Next set of articles will explain adopting the Graphql or designing BFF in details and adopting best recommended practices most of the new design patterns being used . some of the programming practices like processing data using Hadoop or spark or designing high availability of components are more advanced programming concepts then just extending simple client server application.

Demo site is one playground for implementing few of new coding practices. Hot jar, Analytics products or just logging mechanisms keep changing day by day. Analytics now a days involves client interaction videos not just capturing the production data to understand user interaction. As this demo site is more about apps involving display of images/video data , It also has integration of the Dyte which is platform which can enable live video based meetings and this one is SAAS based service .  It also integrate services like conceitful  to store content , Cloudanary to make delivery of image/video resource from edge network. To learn programs beyond hello world now a days involves adopting not just adopting design patterns it also need integration of few SAAS based services which can enhance and improve development time.

I will start with next articles explaining each of above patterns and integrations in details. Hope it can help to move quickly from basic programming to advanced programming skills.








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