Friday, January 31, 2025

Hello World Plus - Part 2 - Implementing BFF using GraphQL


Create separate backend services to be consumed by specific frontend applications or interfaces. This pattern is useful when you want to avoid customizing a single backend for multiple interfaces. This pattern was first described by Sam Newman.

Advantages of graphQL as BFF

One of the leading technology used to implementation for BFFs is GraphQL. Let us look at the advantages and important features of this technology.

·        Rest vs Graphql API: In Rest single end point pairs with a single operation. If different response needed new end point is required. GraphQL allows you to pair with single end point with multiple data operations .

o    This results in optimizing traffic bandwidth.

o   Fixes the issue of under-fetching / over-fetching.

·        Uses single end point . Http requests from client will be simple implementation.

·        N+1 problem solution for aggregating data from different microservices.

·        Pagination : The GraphQL type system allows for some fields to return list of values which help in implementation of pagination for API response.

·        Error Extensions: GraphQL there is a way to provide extensions to the error structure using extensions.



Few issues / anti patterns in GraphQL schema design need proper design and can be avoided using best practices recommended for this pattern. Here are few of them

·        Nullable fields: In GraphQL every field is nullable.

·        Circular reference . It can result in massive data in response.

·        Allowing invalid data and using custom scalar to overcome this issue.


GraphQL Best Practices Resources and Design Patterns | API Guide

Use cases and implementation of GraphQL:

 we can see GraphQL helps in aggregating multiple back end services /sources and providing one interface to each client only the data it needs. That makes Graphql easy to build BFF.

Use case 1:  In  Images, video data coming from two different micro services and TalashBFF will aggregate both services and return as GraphQL end point response. Which is basically at client just need to mention required query no need to look into details of  rest end points for image and Video.

Implementation Details:

Graphql server will deliver post end point with the following two query from client side.

Image data


    Images {




Video Data


    videos {






public ImageQuery(ImageData data)


  Field<NonNullGraphType<ListGraphType<NonNullGraphType<ImageType>>>>("Images", resolve: context =>


    return data.Imagezes;



As shown above data.imagezes  is resolver which will fetch data from http end point and return Image type which is graph ql type has url and member.

Similar query and types designed for video Data and retrieved though the another resolver.

So In above example it is possible to get data from two different sources from same Graphql end point and the number of  fields retrieved  can change and not tightly coupled to the client implementation.  Apollo angular client used to consume GraphGL end point.

Git url: dasaradhreddyk/talashbff

All major advantages can be achieved with above simple implementation. We can look in to more complex examples below.Use case 2: In above example to implement grpahql server and end point  graphql-dotnet project used which is most popular implementation of dotnet based graphql server. There are many implementations available for each programming language. 

Git repo: graphql-dotnet/server: ASP.NET Core GraphQL Server

Hasura takes the known entity that is Postgres and turns it into a magic GraphQL end point locked down by default. Postgres and GraphQL are both pretty known entities. GraphQL less so of a known entity but it's gaining popularity.

AWS AppSync features

·        Simplified data access and querying, powered by GraphQL

·        Serverless WebSockets for GraphQL subscriptions and pub/sub channels

·        Server-side caching to make data available in high speed in-memory caches for low latency

·        JavaScript and TypeScript support to write business logic

·        Enterprise security with Private APIs to restrict API access and integration with AWS WAF

·        Built in authorization controls, with support for API keys, IAM, Amazon Cognito, OpenID Connect providers, and Lambda authorization for custom logic.

·        Merged APIs to support federated use cases


There few advanced servers they can help to expose DTO objects as graphql end points.  Hasura is one such grapqhql implementation.

Hot Chocolate :Hot Chocolate is a GraphQL platform for that can help you build a GraphQL layer over your existing and new infrastructure.

Here is good video to start using hotchocolate.

Here is some list of popular servers

Express GraphQL

t is said that Express GraphQL is the simplest way to run a GraphQL API server. Express is a popular web application framework for Node.js allowing you to create a GraphQL server with any HTTP web framework supporting connect styled middleware including ExpressRestify and, of course, Connect. Getting started is as easy as installing some additional dependencies in form of npm install express express-graphql graphql --save\

Apollo GraphQL Server

 is an open-source GraphQL server compatible with any GraphQL client and it's an easy way to build a production-ready, self-documenting GraphQL API that can use data from any source. Apollo Server can be used as a stand-alone GraphQL server, a plugin to your application's Node.js middleware, or as a gateway for a federated data graph. Apollo GraphQL Server offers:

easy setup - client-side can start fetching data instantly,

incremental adoption - elastic approach to adding new features, you can add them easily later on when you decide they're needed,

universality - compatibility with any data source, multiple build tools and GraphQL clients,

production-ready - tested across various enterprise-grade projects 

Hot Chocolate

Hot Chocolate is a GraphQL server you can use to create GraphQL endpoints, merge schemas, etc. Hot Chocolate is a part of a .NET based ChilliCream GraphQL Platform that can help you build a GraphQL layer over your existing and new infrastructure. It provides pre-built templates that let you start in seconds, supporting both ASP.Net Core as well as ASP.Net Framework out of the box.


API Platform is a set of tools that combined build a modern framework for building REST and GraphQL APIs including GraphQL Server. The server solution is located in the API Platform Core Library which is built on top of Symfony 4 (PHP) microframework and the Doctrine ORM. API Platform Core Library is a highly flexible solution allowing you to build fully-featured GraphQL API in minutes.


Here is good video to compare different Graphql servers and bench marking among them. 

         Benchmarking GraphQL Node.js Servers

Use case 3: What are the challenges working with graphql . We can look at few patterns which are popular in implementing Graphql.


Here is few best practices for securing GraphQL end points. It is important to follow best practices to over come cyber attacks which involve brute force attack , Malicious Queries or batching multiple Queries.


Ref: GraphQL API Security Best Practices


GraphQL API Security Best Practices

Now that we've covered the basics of GraphQL API security when it comes to the code, let's shift our focus to essential best practices for securing your APIs that extend beyond just what is implemented within the code itself. Here are nine best practices to take into consideration when implementing GraphQL.

1. Conduct Regular Security Audits and Penetration Testing Regularly audit your GraphQL APIs and perform penetration tests to uncover and address vulnerabilities before they can be exploited. Use automated scanning tools and professional penetration testing services to simulate real-world attack scenarios.

2. Implement Authentication and Authorization Use standard authentication protocols like OAuth 2.0, OpenID Connect, or JWT-based auth. Implement fine-grained authorization logic to ensure users and services can only access the data they are permitted to see or manipulate.

3. Encrypt Data in Transit and at Rest Always use TLS (HTTPS) to encrypt data in transit. For data at rest, use robust encryption algorithms and secure key management. This is crucial to protecting sensitive data, such as user credentials, personal information, or financial records.

4. Effective Error Handling, Logging, and Input Validation Ensure that error messages do not expose internal details of your schema or implementation. Maintain comprehensive logs for debugging and auditing but never log sensitive data. Validate and sanitize all inputs to thwart injection-based attacks.

5. Use Throttling, Rate Limiting, and Query Depth Limiting Limit the number of requests per client or per IP address. Apply query depth and complexity limits to prevent resource starvation attacks. An API gateway or middleware solution can enforce these policies automatically.

6. Ensure Proper API Versioning and Deprecation Strategies Adopt transparent versioning practices to ensure users know when changes occur. Provide a clear migration path and sunset deprecated versions responsibly, giving users time to adapt.

7. Embrace a Zero-Trust Network Model Assume no user or system is trustworthy by default. Employ strict verification mechanisms at every layer, enforce the principle of least privilege, and segment the network for added security.

8. Automate Scanning and Testing for Vulnerabilities Integrate vulnerability scanning into your CI/CD pipeline. Perform both static (SAST) and dynamic (DAST) checks to catch issues before they reach production, adjusting to new threats as they arise.

9. Secure the Underlying Infrastructure Apply security best practices to servers, containers, and cloud platforms. Regularly patch, monitor for intrusions, and enforce strict firewall and network rules. Infrastructure security often complements API-level security measures.


Here is one example where apollo client cache response of an object. 

Best Design patterns: 

Here is one way to look at Design  patterns with graphQL. GraphQL with BFF is mostly used pattern But still we can see some monolithics use graphql server to deliver their controller end points and use new UI infrastructure . It depends on application design and other factors which helps to decide using graphQL.




Best Use Cases

Client-Based GraphQL

Easy to implement, cost-effective

Performance bottlenecks, limited scalability

Prototyping, small-scale applications

GraphQL with BFF

Optimized for clients, better performance

Increased effort, higher complexity

 Applications with diverse client needs

Monolithic GraphQL

Centralized management, consistent API

Single point of failure, scaling issues

Medium-sized applications, unified schema

GraphQL Federation

Scalable, modular, team autonomy

Increased complexity, higher learning curve

Large-scale, distributed systems

Composer Pattern:

Ref: (22) API Composition Pattern with GraphQL | LinkedIn

Here is simple example where Graphql can be used as aggregating data from 3 services and also joining all data and service it as single out put.

  • BookService: allows to get books.
  • AuthorService: allows to get books authors.
  • InventoryService: allows to get books inventory.
  • BookComposerService: is the API Composer Service that allows us to get a view, joining data coming from the previous three services. This service is the only one that will be exposed externally to the k8s cluster via a deployment that includes a service defined as NodePort, instead all the other services will be exposed only internally, so their pods will be exposed via k8s services deployed as ClusteIP.

Complex Graphql Queries: 

As shown below directive @export used to pass user name from first query result to second query and retrieving blog posts. It is one use case where one query depends on other and it is  possible to achieve this using custom directives. Not all GraphQL servers support these kind of customizations but there are many such features in each GraphQL server and which are unique in optimizing query execution and  achieving better result.










Monday, January 27, 2025

Hello World Plus - Part 1 Introduction


Hello World is the starting point for a programmer and the next concepts which are close to good practices and advanced topics are about hello world Next Gen. Next gen definitely more about AI and need not be AI only. In this series of articles main aim is to looking at patterns of development whether it is client server or api development or micro services or any other programming paradigm.

Main inspiration for me when I go though the articles which explains how technology is transitioning and moving forward, lot of concepts remain unchanged. The way to implement will change simple example could be partial refresh of web components or way to fetch data from API.

AI can change every thing from retrieving data and interpreting data  to auto complete programming tasks. It is just extending beyond just auto completing to decision making after good amount of training AI programs.

For Demo and explaining purpose I have prepared git hub repo with main repo as Talash a simple portal which can integrate multiple small apps . In this other basic components are TalshBFF which can aggregate different services before client can show on UI. So first step away from our basic client service programming are the following patterns

GraphQL based TalashBFF;  which simplifies data fetching from API with other benefits like agnostic schema based development . I am sure most of the products now moving from just API layer connected to API manager to this pattern as it can simplify API later lot. Lot of patterns and anti patterns details are available in net and which can help to pick up right design pattern for BFF. Still Graph ql being leading technology for this extension of design to the API design.

For some one looking for starting their graphql skills I would recommend GraphQL on Azure: Part 1 - Getting Started . It is possible brink BFF with graphql and it is easy to select suitable programme either it is serverless architecture or Rest based services or other. Pretty simple programs to start this BFF later and can be extended further. In TalashBFF , Aggregation of api from other micro services done using a sample from here where Quiz trivia answers fetching form Rest service.

Talash API and microservices : All apps in the portal are independent microsites. So it is easy to separate API components and most of them are consumed from Graph QL. Looking at why micro services work is more popular when it comes to adopting latest design pattern is it will help to design configure and deploy every service independently .  In this case as we mentioned Talash is bunch of apps based on social media and each app consume data from different API which are developed as independent Web API and deployed on Azure.

Looking at best practices for the micro services development I would always recommend couple of applications given by Microsoft as good models to follow. EshopContainer  (  is the app which has very good samples to developer each service as micro service using azure resources. It has best coding practices examples to best design patterns in consuming data and delivering data though API.

Clean architecture: This is another important design pattern which can basically explain all the extension of the client server program required moving from hello world apps. From the days of multithreading  and adopting repository patterns , this clean architecture concepts explain all  ways design need to be evolved. It explains all layers  design  in application design with best practices like how to design data access layer, How to design api layer and how to consume data in client app.

In Talash portal while retrieving Video data it also fetch meta data from youtube. On fly it can fetch 100 video meta data and quickly filter based on application requirement. Here is simple pattern user want to use advanced programming concepts form async programming to multi tasking and aggregation data. As all of we know all 100 request cannot be sequential  requests and will be parallel  .Achieving parallel computation and aggregating is quite interesting journey in learning . This particular batch processing can be as simple as creating 10 tasks at a time and aggregating data and consuming it in client asynchronously to using spark cluster to process data and get more real time and responsive design. This difference in the two design patterns will be by itself could a book of design patterns.

High Availability design patterns is another big extension for modern programming practices and it could be as simple as achieving 100 % availability of services using load balancer  to delivering services to 1Million users which involves designing cluster for service and coming up with failover mechanism to blue green deployments to reduce down time to zero.


Hello world series mainly giving sample pseudo code to learn above patterns with samples and reference to resources in internet . Next set of articles will explain adopting the Graphql or designing BFF in details and adopting best recommended practices most of the new design patterns being used . some of the programming practices like processing data using Hadoop or spark or designing high availability of components are more advanced programming concepts then just extending simple client server application.

Demo site is one playground for implementing few of new coding practices. Hot jar, Analytics products or just logging mechanisms keep changing day by day. Analytics now a days involves client interaction videos not just capturing the production data to understand user interaction. As this demo site is more about apps involving display of images/video data , It also has integration of the Dyte which is platform which can enable live video based meetings and this one is SAAS based service .  It also integrate services like conceitful  to store content , Cloudanary to make delivery of image/video resource from edge network. To learn programs beyond hello world now a days involves adopting not just adopting design patterns it also need integration of few SAAS based services which can enhance and improve development time.

I will start with next articles explaining each of above patterns and integrations in details. Hope it can help to move quickly from basic programming to advanced programming skills.








Hello World Plus - Part 3 Async , Batch, Threads and Serverless infrastructure.

 In this articles we will go though Async programming and request response from third party api and aggregate data and send it back to servi...